I really wanted to be able to look back at my memories of being pregnant and enjoy them, and remember them in a positive light. Even with all the sickness, being uncomfortable and needing to wee 6 times a night, pregnancy is still a beautiful thing, and the pain is temporary.
Taking photo’s while I was pregnant made me feel empowered and proud of the strength of my body. I found it incredible what my body is capable of.

It also helped boost my confidence because it showed me that even though I felt like an uncoordinated blob on legs, I didn’t actually look like that!
One day it will be fun to show our daughter that she was once in my tummy!
Doing your own shoot
I asked my Husband Neil to take photos of me. Getting your partner to take photos instead of paying for a shoot can be beneficial for a few reasons.

1. It was free
2. I could bring the dog
3. I was more at ease
4. I could have the photos taken exactly how I wanted, and edit them how I wanted
5. It can strengthen the bond between you, as you document life as you become a family. (Or it can end in tears when your partner doesn’t understand what you mean by ‘take it from a more flattering angle!!’. This definitely didn’t happen to us..)
6. You can choose the location. We took some at the beach because it is my favourite place and I felt comfortable and natural there.

Anyway, you don’t need a fancy camera these days to take a really decent photo, just remember to wipe your phone camera lens before you take photos for the best results!
Hope you enjoyed this post, and remember

Elise x
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